Girl standing on the street next to suitcase

Are you taking your kids on a Disney cruise? A hiking adventure in Yosemite? Or maybe simply to visit grandma for the weekend?

Those examples are very different, right? They vary extensively in the level of planning and financial investment involved.

Yet, there is one thing ALL trips have in common: you have to pack!

Unlike many aspects of trip-planning, packing is something your kids can actually help you with. Eventually, it is something they can do on their own!

You do NOT need to wait until they are tweens to do so either. Start them young.

Do you want to learn how?

Then take a look at these simple tips to teach your kids how to pack their own bags.

7 Simple Tips to Teach your Kids How to Pack

1. Have a calendar marking the trip

We have a calendar in our fridge where the kids can see when we will be going on trips. This gives us something to look forward to each month.

Just as importantly, this lets them (and us) prepare mentally for the tasks that need to get done before the trip.

Having a visual of when the trip will be happening will teach your kids to avoid procrastination, which takes me to the next tip.

Related: How to Plan a Year of Family Adventures

2. Start packing two to three days before the trip

I used to be a procrastinator when it came to traveling. But ever since I had to pack light for our two-week backpacking honeymoon, I learned to plan ahead and pack efficiently.

The same goes for your children. It is important to take the time to plan what you need to avoid overpacking.

Also, it is important to not have an impending deadline. Why? Because teaching your kids new skills takes time and patience. LOTS of patience.

It will be difficult to let them try on their own and make mistakes if you will be hopping on a plane at 5 am the next morning. At that point, you will just end up doing the packing yourself.

3. Talk about what to expect during the trip.

This is an important step when packing for adults and for kids. Packing for a city trip is very different than packing for a Caribbean cruise. And packing for a 2-week trip is very different than packing for a long weekend at grandma’s.

So, spend the time to show them where they are going, even when they are young. Discuss the activities that you will be doing and what the weather will be like.

From there, discuss the outfits and gear that they will need to get the most out of their trip.

Related: How to Avoid Dangerous Wildlife Encounters While Hiking with Kids

4. Show them the suitcase or bag

There is a chance that after discussing the trip, they will still want to bring everything with them! Let them know which bag or suitcase they will be using, and explain that everything needs to fit there.

As you do this, teach them what the priorities are (e.g., clothing and personal care items), and what the bare minimum is for each trip.

They will learn important skills and strategies to maximize what they can bring. Just as importantly, they will learn how to compromise and what they need to let go of (even for just a weekend).

5. Make an easy-to-follow packing list

No matter the level, providing them with a kid-friendly packing list will go a long way. I mean, most adults use packing lists, right?

How to set up the packing list will depend on the age of the child.

As I said earlier, with my 3-year-old we are still working on going down the list and counting the items. With my 5-year-old, we can talk a bit more in-depth about what is needed for the trip (as mentioned in the previous tips).

Little boy reading a packing list
My son going over the packing list. You may download this list HERE.

At first, it is important to keep the packing lists simple. I made packing lists suitable for preschool and elementary school-aged kids.

You can download my kids packing lists here for free. Alternatively, you can make the lists yourself, taking into account the needs of your family.

6. Make sure they have access to their clothes

Little girl in orange shirt looking for clothes in closet
My daughter searching for a dress

It does not help to have them follow lists and think about packing if they cannot even access their clothes.

I learned to give kids access to their clothes thanks to the Montessori daycare they attended when babies. We are not a fully Montessori home, nor do I believe it is the ultimate philosophy of education.

But if there is one thing I learned, is to make the home more kid-friendly to allow them to have independence. This includes access to their plates, cups, utensils, backpacks, towels, just to name a few.

And of course, they have had access to their clothes since they were toddlers. This has made it quite a bit easier not just when packing for trips, but every-day life. I highly recommend your kids have access to most, if not all, of their clothes.

7. Teach them to roll or fold

The method is up to you. Most people nowadays recommend rolling. I used to roll my clothes, but I have moved away from the technique. Why? Because I find that folding properly is a much better use of space.

Yet, I recognize that it would be easier for kids to roll the clothes. It is perfectly fine if that is how you want to start.

I am teaching my 3-year-old to fold her clothes. My 5-year-old knows how to fold, so I am now teaching him to place them vertically in his suitcase. I do need to help him get the clothes into the small spaces. But that is something he will eventually be able to do as he develops strength and dexterity.

Child putting folder clothes in a blue bin
My son is stacking his folded clothes vertically. Because we are packing for a camping trip, I use bins that I put inside our camper. It works better than regular suitcases, but the packing process would be the same with a bag.

Why you should teach kids how to pack

You may be thinking it is simply easier to do it yourself. I mean, you are certainly faster and you know what you are doing.

I honestly feel the same way about every aspect of parenting!

Yet, just like with every aspect of parenting, there is a high “return on investment” whenever you spend the time to teach your kids important skills.

I summarize some of those advantages below.


Ever heard a toddler or preschooler state with determination: “I want to do it by myself“?

I bet you have. It is a universal truth that young kids want to learn to do things on their own!

Instead of getting frustrated about it, we need to use that desire for independence to our advantage. Teaching them to pack their own bags will provide that sense of independence and accomplishment they so desperately seek!

Getting excited about travel

Getting your children involved in the packing process provides an opportunity to talk about their trip! You can discuss some of the activities you will be doing, and what the weather will be like. Make it fun!

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They can choose their own apparel

Little girl in orange shirt looking at a shirt on her lap
My daugther is wearing her all-time favorite Winnie Pooh T-shirt. And she is choosing to bring her Lion King Shirt.

I don’t know about your kids, but my children have a very peculiar sense of fashion. And I love it.

When kids get to pack their own bags, they will have the chance to continue to express themselves wherever they go!

Bonus: if they do not like their options while traveling, you can at least remind them that they are the ones who picked it!

Learning the process of trip-planning

Speaking of skills…learning the work involved in trip-planning and preparation is important. They need to see that trips don’t simply “just happen”.

The earlier they learn that these getaways involve an investment of time, effort, and money, the more in touch with reality they will be.

And the more appreciative of the experiences we strive to provide…hopefully.

Spatial awareness, math, and problem-solving skills

Counting the days the trip will last, and the number of items they will need is great math practice. Also, once they pick their outfits, they will need to figure out how to fit them in their suitcase.

What if they do not fit? Time to problem-solve. Maybe they are packing too much. Maybe they need to organize them differently. Help them figure it out!

Working on their numbers and their spatial skills while packing can be fun! Or frustrating…but hey, now you will also get to teach them strategies to cope with frustration! Yay!

Less work for you (in the long run)

Moment of truth? My goal to give kids the independence they seek is largely a selfish one.

My kids have been able to get water on their own since they could walk. They can now make their own cereal and get dressed completely on their own. We are currently working on them packing their own lunch.

And now, it is also nice that I can give my oldest his own packing list to pack his bag, while I work on mine.

What age can they start packing their own bags?

Did I mention that my kids are five and three years old?

And I started them much earlier than that.

All children are different, so you may need to decide how much responsibility you can give them. Of course, the younger they are, the more guidance they will need.

My 5-year-old cannot read full words yet, but he can read numbers. Between the numbers and the pictures I provided on his list, he can put together his bag by himself.

With my 3-year-old, we are still working on counting, let alone reading numbers! At this point, I am showing her the numbers and counting together.

As long as they can recognize drawings and can start counting, you can teach your kids to pack their bags!

Related: Easy family outdoor activities at home or near!

To Summarize

Teaching your kids how to pack will take some time, especially with the younger ones. But you will be happy to reap the benefits when packing their clothes becomes one less thing on your to-do list.

Here is a summary to get you started:

  • Make sure your trip is clearly marked in the calendar
  • Start the packing process early
  • Let them know what to expect from the trip
  • Give them the bag or suitcase they will be using
  • Provide them with a simple packing list, or make one together
  • Make sure the little ones have access to their clothes
  • Show them how to roll or fold their clothes

I hope this article makes trip preparation with your kids easier! Do you have other strategies to help your kids pack on their own? If so, I am all ears! Please do all of us, adventure parents, a favor and share your tricks in the comments 🙂

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About The Author

2 thoughts on “7 Simple Tips to Teach your Kids How to Pack”

  1. I have to admit I’ve always packed for my six year old son. But you are right, it is something he should be involved in and eventually do for himself. Thanks for the helpful tips!

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